Featured Projects

Turnkey solution equipped with a comprehensive range of audio and video protocols, ensuring readiness for future technology advancements.

Dive into this groundbreaking digital attraction, where technology meets aviation.
Seamless integration through the utilization of diverse technological methodologies.
Our Past Projects
SPH - Singapore Press Holdings, STUDIO +65
Turnkey Solution of Interconnecting Studio Facilities including
Broadcasting, Live Streaming, Podcast
Changi Airport, Terminal 2, THE WONDERFALL
Design, Install and Commissioning of 14m-tall and 17m-wide LED Wall Display with Media Server
Mandai Bird Paradise, Amphitheatre [Outdoor LED Wall]
Design, Install and Commissioning of 6m-tall and 10m-wide LED Wall Display with Media Server
USS - Universal Studios Singapore, LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION
Design, Fabricate, Supply and Installation of competitive interactive gaming system
for the Wall Climbing Special Effects Experience at Lights Camera Action New York Facade
SOTA - School of The Arts Singapore
Provision & Installation of Video Production System for
Live Streaming & Recording Functions in SOTA Performance Venues
Mandai Bird Paradise, Penguin Cove
Design, Supply and Install Cove Habitat Mood Lighting System
Capitol Cigar & Whisky Lounge by Quaich Bar
Design, Supply and Install multi-zone Backgroud Music Audio System
SinCapital LED Digital Media Wall
Design, Install and Commissioning of LED Digital Media Wall System
NUS i3 LED Digital Media Wall
Design, Install and Commission of LED Digital Media Wall System with Digital Media Player
Diversity Playout SingTel
Install and Supply Playout Diversity system to support Main Playout Site.
Provide diversity of 5 channels.
Provide a secondary channel playout facility should the main facility loses it operability.
The secondary facility will allow operation to continue for major channels.
Thomson Plaza
Customised LED Architectural Digital Tree
Gallop House 5 and House 7
Supply & Installation of Audio Visual Interactive Systems
New Channel Playout SingTel
Design, Supply and Install of 15 new Playout System for Singtel cHK, e-Le and Soccer Channels.
Provide the production and channel playout for Singtel major entertainment and sports channels.
It also support Singtel's affiliate Optus with the same playout facility from a remote perspective.
Design, Supply and Installation of Studio facility with the NewTek NDI system.
Provided professional advise and services to design a studio to conduct seminar, product launch and Global events.
DP Architect
Design, Supply and Install of AV and Video Conferencing System for Meeting Rooms, Conference Rooms and Director Rooms.
ABC Cooking Studio
Design, Supply and Install of Audio Visual and Control System in the retail space
Satellite Operations Monitoring and Compliance Recording System SingTel
Supply and Install monitoring and recording system for satellite operations.
To monitor and record all satellite incoming feeds to make sure no interruption of feeds are provided to their clients. Recording of feeds are also used to reaffirm that passed feeds compiles to standards set by clients.
The Upgrade, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of
an Existing Evertz Multi-Viewer System
Funan Digital Mall
Supply & Installation LED Video Walls
The Bicentennial Experience Singapore, Fort Canning Centre
System Integration & LED Walls installation
Singapore Science Centre (E3 Gallery)
Supply, Install and Integration of Multimedia Productions with
Immersive Panoramic Projection and Audio Experience
Baseband and MAM Playout Systems Maintenance
Jewel Changi Airport
Supply & Install Digital Curve Screen on an escalator
Taxi Stand At Marina Bay Sands Casino
Supply & Install 4 Units Digital LED Display on Square Pillars
KOMA Restaurant, Marina Bay Sands
Supply & Install of Audio Visual System At KOMA Restaurant
Oldham Theatre
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing, Commissioning of
fully Operational Digital Cinema Computer System
White Sands Shopping Centre
Video Wall and Signage
Changi Experience Studio, Jewel Changi Airport
Level 4 Changi Experience Studio
Digital Light Canvas, The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands
Design, Install and Commission special LED Chandelier lighting and projection
HeadEnd Migration
Migrate, Install and Commission of IPTV Headend
NUS i3.0 Smart National Building Media Wall
Design, Install and Commission Media Wall at Lift Lobby at NUS
CNBC Singapore
HD Upgrade
Singapore Repertory Theatre
Digital Signage & Video wall
CNBC Singapore
HD Upgrade for SGX
National Museum of Singapore, Glass Rotunda
Story of the Forest
Design, Supply and Install projection in a 360 dome environment,
spanning across 15m high drum ceiling,
170 meter interactive digital projection which begins after the bridge
and spiral down to the base drum which includes interactive technology
Optus Channel Playout
HD Playout Channels
Install and Commission of Live HD Playout Center
L-Band Fibre Links
Mio Monitoring System for Mio Channels
Monitoring and Compliance Recording System
Bank of China
Design, Install and Commission of Corporate Display System
National Museum of Singapore (History Gallery)
Supply, Install and Integration of Multimedia Productions with AV hardware Equipment
Commissioning of Interactive Media Signage and Projection
Eleven Sports Studio
HD Studio
NUS Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
Design, Install and Commission of Interactive Media AV System and Projection
Madame Tussauds Singapore
Supply, Install and Integration of Audio Visual Systems,
Show Control System and Network Distribution
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Design and Build Radio Broadcasting and Automation System
Malay Heritage Centre
AV Installations and Integrated System Control for Istana Museum
Screening Room, Media Screening Theatre
SingTel MioTV
HB BTO Build, Train and Operations MioTV HD Playout Centre
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Radio Broadcasting PA System
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Radio Broadcasting Network
SingTel Playout Centre, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Multiple Channels Per Carrier
for SingTel Playout Centre located at Bukit Timah
ITE College West, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Green-Hippo Media Server System
ITE College West, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
WinMedia Automation System
ITE College West, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Green-Hippo Media Server System
Resort World, Universal Studio Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
LED Media Display System
MediaCorp TV Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Digital Audio Consoles and Ancillary for TV Theatre
Singapore Polytechnic, School of Communication, Arts and Social Science
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of
Radio Broadcast Studio
Ministry of Culture and Information, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of
5 Digital Audio Broadcasting Studios & 1 Digital Master Control Room
Bedok North Secondary School, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of
Radio Broadcast set up
Northlight Secondary School, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of
Radio Broadcast set up
Army Museum of Singapore
Installation and Integration of AV Hardware Equipment and
Automated Show Control
Mediacorp TV Stuido 3, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of
Broadcast (On-Air) Digital Audio Console for
News Production at Mediacorp News (MCN) Studio 3, on a Turnkey Basis
MediaCorp Radio RIA, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of
Digital Broadcast Mixers for RIA 89.7 FM’s New On-Air Studio
Safra Radio Radio Station, Singapore
Supply and Install complete 2X Digital On Air Lawo Zirkon Mixers for
Power 98 and DongLi Stations and
Digital Router for Master Control Room in Safra Radio
UMS Faculty Radio, Sabah, Malaysia
Supply and Install complete Digital On Air Studio, Radio Automation System and
Master Control Room for UMS Faculty Radio
MediaCorp Radio Love 97.2 Station, Singapore
Supply and Install new Digital On Air Studios for Love 97.2FM Station
SPH Unionworks Radio Stations, Singapore
Supply and Install 4X new Digital On Air Studios and
Master Control Room for new facililty in SPH News Centre
MediaCorp Radio Symphony Station, Singapore
Supply and Install new Digital On Air Studios for Symphony Station
MediaCorp Radio Class95 Station, Singapore
Supply and Install new Digital On Air Studio for Class 95 Station
Pentecost Church Singapore
Supply and Install new Facilities Santuary and New Chapel Sound System
SMU, Singapore Management, University, Singapore
Supply and Install new Campus Radio Facility Studios in SMU City Campus
MediaCorp Radio OLI Station, Singapore
Supply and Install new Digital On Air Studios for OLI Station
MediaCorp Radio MediaCorp Technologies MCR/MCT Singapore
Supply and Install new 2Mbit Multiplexer System for 14 Channels audio transmission
Media Development Authority, MDA Singapore
Supply and Install Complete Logging and Transcription facility
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Broadcasting Studio for Canteen Radio broadcasting
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
Upgrade/Rewiring of Broadcasting & Production Studios
MediaCorp Studios Singapore, Singapore
Upgrade/Rewiring of Studio 1 TV Production Studio with Studer A928 Mixer
Whitley Secondary School, Singapore
To supply & Install Broadcasting Audio System
MediaCorp Studios Singapore, Singapore
Upgrade/Rewiring of Studio 4 TV Production Studio with Studer A928 Mixer
MediaCorp Radio Singapore, Singapore
Upgrade of Gold 90.5 FM Station Conties with new Digital Broadcast Mixers
MediaCorp Radio Singapore, Singapore
Upgrade of Warna 94.2 FM Station Conties with new Digital Broadcast Mixers
Radio Television Malaysia, RTM Kuantan, Malaysia
Digital Automated Radio Broadcasting and Production System for RTM Kuantan
MediaCorp Radio Singapore, Singapore
Rewiring for new LUSH FM99.5Mhz Radio Station
Transworld Radio, TWR Singapore
Extension/Upgarding Netia Radio Automation System
Presbyterian High School, Singapore
Portable Audio Broadcast System
Radio The Voice of Vietnam, VOV Vietnam
VOV International Broadcast House Project. Extension of
Radio Facility in new MCR and new Studios in Unit 45 Ba Trieu Str, Hanoi.
Radio Television Malaysia, RTM Malaysia
Supply 13 Studer On Air 1000 Digital Broadcast Mixer for its 13 regional Station
Al-Iman Kindergarten, Singapore
Supply and Installation of Radio Studio for kindergarten.
Public Relation Department, PRD, Thailand
Supply and Installation of Digital Audio Workstations for
Radio Thailand, Training Centre and Up-country Stand Alone FM radio Stations
Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
Turnkey project to Design, Supply and Installation of
Radio Systems at School of Business, Temasek Polytechnic
MediaCorp Radio Singapore, Singapore
Setup and rewiring of OMO3 for MediaCorp Radio OLI Channel
University Putra Malaysia, UPMMalaysia
Supply Digital Broadcast Mixer Soundcraft RM1D
and other accessories for Internet Broadcasting
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, FMSDepartment, Singapore
Supply and Upgrade of Film and Media Studies Department Radio Production Facilities
with Studer Digital On Air 1000 and On Air 2000 Mixers
Media Corporation Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Upgrade of TV Theatre Audio
and PA Facilities; Studer A928 Mixer, Amek Recall JBL Sound Systems
MediaCorp Radio Singapore,Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Training Testing and Commissioning of
The Equipment, Systems and Related Works for
The Turnkey Digital Un-maned Operated, Master Control Room
MediaCorp Radio Singapore,Singapore
Supply and reinstallation for Digital OMO for Capital Radio FM95.8
MediaCorp Radio Singapore,Singapore
Supply and reinstallation for ADS 1 &2 and
Conty B Warna Radio inclusive custom built furniture for ADS 1 & 2
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Installation of Audio Distribution frame for Internet Radio
SPH MediaWorks Channel U,Singapore
Supply, delivery and Commissioning 2 Units of
Studer 928 Mixer and audio facility in TV Studio and City Studio
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Installation of 39 Tielines for DAB use between MCR and RSI
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Installation of 39 Tielines for DAB use between MCR and RSI
HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore
Supply and Installation of Training Room at MacDonald House Singapore
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of
RCS FM 90.5 Gold FM Station Conty B facility.
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Re-Installation, Testing & Commissioning of
DAS II & DAS III Digital Audio Suites for RCS facilities.
RTB, Radio & Television of Brunei, Brunei
Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of 2 Analog Broadcast Mixer
and Audio Equipment for OB Van (Soundcraft B400 and FX16)
VOV, Radio The Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam
Broadcast House Project Supply of Complete Equipment,
Materials and Technical Services for a complete system of equipment for
VOV's Broadcast House in unit 41-43 Ba Treu Str,.Hanoi
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of a Digital Broadcast Mixer and
Integration of Conty A and B for Air 12, Capital Radio FM 95.8Mhz in RCS
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Relocation & Installation of DAS II facility in RSI for RCS
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Installation Audio Distribution and Wiring for Internet Radio Facility in RCS
VOV, Radio The Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam
Can Tho City Project Supply of Complete Equipment, Materials and Technical Services for a
complete systems of equipment for VOV's representative in Can Tho city.
RCS, RadioCorporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of
2 Digital Broadcast Studios for Perfect 10 FM 98.7Mhz and YES FM93.3Mhz in RCS
RCS, Radio CorporationSingapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of
Digital Mini Studio production facility in RCS
Pharmacia & Uptown Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Supply and installation of
Lecture Room sound facility for learning and meeting.
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of
Digital Broadcast Studio for NewsRadio FM 93.8Mhz in RCS
TCS, Television Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of
Spare Mixer & Audio Facility for Channel News Asia in TCS.
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Supply and Installation of 10 NewsEditing Terminal in RCS News facility
Radio Singapore International, RSI Singapore
Turnkey project for Automated audio Routing 32 X 64 stereo system for MCR
IBC, Commonwealth Games 1998, Malaysia
Supply of 50 pieces of Studer D731 Professional CD Players for RTM, Radio Facility.
Radio Television Malaysia, RTM, Malaysia
Supply of 50 pieces of Studer D731 Professional CD Players for RTM, Radio Facility.
IBC, Commonwealth Games 1998, Malaysia
Supply, testing & commissioning 5 units of
Studer 928 Audio Broadcast Mixers for OB vans with Sony handling the video section
RCS, Radio Corporation Of Singapore, Singapore
Supply, installation, testing & Commissioning
RCS Lobby Digital Broadcast studio
Varia Music Production Studio Singapore
Wiring, testing & commissioning complete studio
Soundwave Studio Malaysia
Supply, testing & commissioning for 1 recording studio
Synchro Sound Studio Malaysia
Supply, Testing & Commissioning of Digital and Analogue multi-track tape recorders,
monitoring systems, digital effects and noise reduction system
NTU, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Complete turnkey project for 3 Onair studio and 1 production studio for training of students in the
School of Communications Studies (SCS) in the Nanyang Technological University
TV3, Malaysia
Supply, testing & commissioning of
5 units of Studer 963 Audio Broadcast Mixers for TV3 TV studios upgrading project
TIME Radio, Malaysia
Complete turnkey project, supply & installation at Numisys II Radio automation system one
on-air facility, one production studio & MCR equipment
Happy Records Malaysia
Wiring, Testing & Commissioning a complete recording studio
RCS, Radio Corporation of Singapore, Singapore
Complete turnkey project in the supply, installation, testing & commissioning of
MCR audio Matrix Automation Router System